A downloadable Eternal Bonds

Eternal Bonds is planned to be a character-driven story. It will be a eroge visual novel in the narrating style of classic japanese eroge.

"After the death of your old friend, you act on your promise and go investigate on a mysterious curse affecting the isolated city of Yomall.
Even though your main goal is to solve the mystery, you are tired from the years of constant action and you seek to rest in a peaceful place. And Yomall is the perfect place.
The city is lost in the middle on the mountains and has almost no interaction with the outside worlds. Also, you heard that the women there are pretty and not very busy... A peaceful place with beautiful girls ? What else can you ask ? Maybe it wont be so bad if you have to stay there forever...

After all, I have the eternity for myself..."

There are a censored and a +18. version of the game The only difference between the 2 versions are the explicit presence of sex scenes. You can choose to download the version of your choice below (for now, there are no sex scenes).

The game is still in development. It has finished the pre-production phase and is now at cruising speed. You can expect the release of a chapter every month. A chapter is between 10 to 15min of gameplay.

Platforms :
Patreon : Waiting to be approuved
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQHmOhAefipQQeYjvW0I2_Q
Twitter : https://twitter.com/cheerio03214488


EternalBonds-1.0-mac.zip 156 MB
EternalBonds-1.0-pc.zip 191 MB

Install instructions

1 / Download the zip file corresponding to your OS :
PC => Windows / Linux
Max => Mac

2/ Extract the content of the zip file.

3/ If you are on x64 OS (64 bits), run EternalBonds.exe to launch the game.
On x86 (32 bits), run EternalBonds-32.exe instead.

Development log


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